

Kevin Huck is a Senior Research Associate in the Oregon Advanced Computing Institute for Science and Society (OACISS) at the University of Oregon. Dr. Huck has several years of experience in the computer software industry prior to engaging in Computer Science research. He has worked in the areas of performance data mining, performance analysis, software tool design and software engineering. He is interested in the unique problems of intelligent, automated performance analysis of very large datasets as well as automated methods for diagnosing and treating performance problems both offline and with runtime controls. He has collaborated on over 70 publications and has served on several conference/workshop committees, including SC, ISC, ICCS, ICPP, VECPAR, IPDPS, and ParCo. His MS and PhD degrees in Computer and Information Science are from the University of Oregon, and his BS in Computer Science is from the University of Cincinnati.
Data Analysis, Visualization, and Storage
I/O and File Systems
Large Scale Systems
Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Tools