SC23 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase Archive

ExaWind at NREL: Upping the Ante

Authors: Nicholas Brunhart-Lupo and Ashesh Sharma (National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL))

Abstract: The objective of the ExaWind component of the Exascale Computing Project is to deliver many-turbine blade-resolved simulations in complex terrain. These simulations bring new challenges to both compute and analysis of the resulting data. In this paper/video, we visually explore the impact of ExaWind on wind simulations through two studies of a small wind farm under two atmospheric conditions. We then turn to analysis and review tools that visualization researchers at NREL use to answer the challenges that ExaWind brings.

Video Summary: pdf
Video Link: video

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