SC23 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Research Posters Archive

Scalable Algorithms for Analyzing Large Dynamic Networks Using CANDY

Authors: Aashish Pandey (University of North Texas), Arindam Khanda (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Sriram Srinivasan and Sudharshan Srinivasan (University of Oregon), S. M. Shovan (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Farahnaz Hosseini (University of North Texas), Sajal Das (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Boyana Norris (University of Oregon), and Sanjukta Bhowmick (University of North Texas)

Abstract: As the dynamic network’s topology undergoes temporal alterations, associated graph properties must be updated to ensure their ac- curacy. Addressing this requirement efficiently in large dynamic networks led to the proposal of a generic framework, CANDY (Cyberinfrastructure for Accelerating Innovation in Network Dynamics). This paper expounds on the development of algorithms and subsequent performance improvements facilitated by CANDY.

Best Poster Finalist (BP): no

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