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Research Posters

Research Posters provide a venue to discover cutting-edge research by academics, researchers, and students. Many posters form the foundation for future papers to be presented at future HPC conferences. The Best Poster Award is presented based on quality of research and quality of poster presentation.


Research Posters Schedule
Tuesday–Thursday, November 14–16, 2023

SC21 Posters

Research Posters Co-Chair
Min Si, Meta Platforms, Inc

Research Posters Co-Chair
Jidong Zhai, Tsinghua University, China

Research Posters submissions open January 1, 2023.

Research Posters Submissions

AUG 12, 2023

Submissions Close

SEP 11, 2023

Notifications Sent

SEP 17, 2023

Content & Schedule Building

SEP 30, 2023

Final Materials Due

How to submit


SC’s Research Posters program provides a venue for researchers in industry, academia (including students), and government to present cutting-edge research ideas and late-breaking results. Posters are peer-reviewed by a committee which also selects a poster for the Best Research Poster award based on quality of research and poster presentation. Some posters form the foundation for papers presented at future conferences.

Note: Students who are not ACM members may submit to Research Posters. Students who want to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition or Doctoral Showcase should refer to ACM Student Research Competition Submissions or Doctoral Showcase Submissions.

Confused about which poster track to submit to? See this flow chart.

preparing your submission

A research poster submission has three main components: the poster itself, a two-page extended abstract in the ACM format, and an optional Artifact Description Appendix.

Poster Format

The SC Conference may provide a poster template as a guideline. Final poster style, layout, font, and content are left to the discretion of the author(s). Poster size should be such that your poster mounts properly on the four feet high and eight feet wide display board that will be provided by SC. Your poster does not need to cover the entire display board; the poster size should be appropriate for your content.

You can embed additional multimedia elements into your poster by placing QR (Quick Response) codes anywhere you want to link to external content. Such elements may include a video narration of the poster by the author, links to results, movies, graphics, datasets, codes, etc. The goal of embedded multimedia elements should be to enhance the presentation of research in the poster. Note that extended versions of the poster or related publications are not considered acceptable multimedia elements in this context.

At the time of submission, the poster content does not need to be in its final form. You may make changes to your poster after acceptance, but your submission must be a representative draft of the final poster.

HPC Education Posters

Posters focusing on HPC education are considered within the scope of Research Posters; there is no separate education track. Education posters should be submitted using the Research Posters submission form.

Reproducibility Initiative

We believe that reproducible science is essential, and that SC is a leader in this effort. Moving in this direction, we encourage authors to submit reproducibility information in the form of an Artifact Description (AD) Appendix along with their other submission materials in the SC submissions website.

Review Criteria

All research posters are peer-reviewed by a committee of experts. Poster reviews are single-blind: reviewers will see author names, but authors will not see reviewer names.

conflict of interest & Plagiarism

conflict of interest

Please be aware of, and adhere to, these SC Conference guidelines regarding potential conflicts of interest and disclosure.

A potential conflict of interest occurs when a person is involved in making a decision that:

  • Could result in that person, a close associate of that person, or that person’s company or institution receiving significant financial gain, such as a contract or grant, or
  • Could result in that person, or a close associate of that person, receiving significant professional recognition, such as an award or the selection of a paper, work, exhibit, or other type of submitted presentation.

Program Committee members will be given the opportunity to list potential conflicts of interest during each program’s review process. Program Committee chairs and area chairs will make every effort to avoid assignments that have a potential COI.

According to the SC conference you have a conflict of interest with the following:

  • Your PhD advisors, post-doctoral advisors, PhD students, and post-doctoral advisees;
  • Family relations by blood or marriage, or equivalent (e.g., a partner);
  • People with whom you collaborated in the past five years. Collaborators include: co-authors on an accepted/rejected/pending research paper; co-PIs on an accepted/pending grant; those who fund your research; researchers whom you fund; or researchers with whom you are actively collaborating;
  • Close personal friends or others with whom you believe a conflict of interest exists;
  • People who were employed by, or a student at, your primary institution(s) in the past five years, or people who are active candidates for employment at your primary institution(s).

Note that “service” collaborations, such as writing a DOE, NSF, or DARPA report, or serving on a program committee, or serving on the editorial board of a journal, do not inherently create a COI.

Other situations can create COIs, and you should contact the Technical Program Chairs for questions or clarification on any of these issues.


Please review the ACM guidelines on identifying plagiarism.

Authors should submit new, original work that represents a significant advance from even their own prior publications.

upon acceptance


SC23 is planning an in-person event and presenting remotely will not be accommodated.


If your submission is accepted, you must register for the Technical Program in order to attend the SC Conference and present the poster.

Finalizing Accepted Submissions

If your poster is accepted, you may update the poster content, the optional artifact description appendix, and the two-page extended abstract.

Your Research Poster will be included in the online SC Schedule provided you upload your final poster to the SC submissions website before September 30, 2023.


Research Posters are made available in the Technical Program Archives, upon submission of the final poster to the SC submissions website before September 30, 2023.


schedule & location

Research Posters will be displayed Tuesday–Thursday, November 14–16, 2023.

Research Posters must be mounted between 2 pm and 5 pm on Monday, November 13, 2023 and should remain mounted until 5 pm on Thursday, November 16, 2023. This allows conference attendees to browse posters outside the Posters sessions.


Each poster is given a designated space with a display board. Before the conference, poster authors are sent a directory that maps assigned display boards. The title of each poster will also be printed on its display board in the Posters area to help you locate your space.

The display board includes a designated space for a QR code. This QR code links the poster to the Technical Program Archives, where each poster has its own web page and the most updated version of the material. Hiding or removing the QR code will prevent attendees from easily accessing your poster in the SC Technical Program Archive. You do not have to generate these QR codes. We generate one QR code for each poster that links to your submitted content. This code is attached to the display board by the time you arrive at SC.

Pushpins are provided for affixing all poster materials to display boards. Mounting your poster on foam core is not recommended.

The conference does not provide any support for printing posters. Typically, authors print their posters ahead of the conference at their home institution or via a commercial printing company (e.g., a Fedex office). The convention center’s business office may offer printing services.

POSTERS Reception

The Posters Reception on Tuesday evening provides food and drink to registered Technical Program attendees. Poster presenters must be available at their posters to answer questions and discuss their work for the duration of the reception.


The Research Posters Committee nominates Best Poster candidates during the review process. At the conference, an ad-hoc committee judges poster content, including the optional artifact description appendix, and poster presentations during a Best Posters Presentation Session and the Posters Reception. After the reception, this committee convenes and selects a single best poster.

Research Posters FAQ

Which template should I use for my abstract?

For odd-numbered conference years: ACM Conference Proceedings Template

For even-numbered conference years: IEEE Manuscript Template for Conference Proceedings

Do references count in the two-page limit for research poster abstracts?

References may spill over past the second page of the abstract but all technical content must fit in the two page limit.

Are Research Posters that submit an Artifact Description Appendix eligible for an Artifacts Available badge as described on the ACM website?

No. Research Posters are not eligible for any badges associated with reproducibility artifacts.

Do I need to make my software open-source in order to complete the Artifact Description Appendix?

No. It is not required that you make any changes to your computing environment in order to complete the appendix. The Artifact Description Appendix is meant to provide information about the computing environment you used to produce your results, reducing barriers for future replication of your results.

Who will review my appendix?

The Artifact Description Appendix will be submitted at the same time as your poster and will be reviewed as part of the standard review process by the same reviewers who handle the rest of your poster.

Does the Artifact Description Appendix really impact scientific reproducibility?

The Artifact Description Appendix is simply a description of the computing environment used to produce the results in your poster. By itself, this appendix does not directly improve scientific reproducibility. However, a well-written appendix can be used by scientists (including the authors at a later date) to more easily replicate and build upon the results in the poster. Therefore, the Artifact Description Appendix can reduce barriers and costs of replicating published results. It is an important first step toward full scientific reproducibility.

What kind of recognition do I get for submitting these appendices?

There is no additional recognition for Research Posters that submit an Artifact Description Appendix.

Which poster track is right for my work?

See this chart to clarify the proper poster track for your work.

Can I change from one poster track to another?

No. Authors are required to select the type of poster at the time of submission. Authors can select either Research Posters, ACM Student Research Competition (Graduate or Undergraduate), Doctoral Showcase, or Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase from the SC submissions website.

Do posters have allocated space, or is space first-come-first-serve?

Each poster is given a designated space with a display board. Before the conference, we will send authors a poster directory that maps assigned display boards. The title of each poster will also be printed on its display board in the Posters area to help you locate your space.

When do I need to be at my poster location to present it?

All presenters must be available at their posters/videos to answer questions and discuss their work for the duration of the Posters Reception on Tuesday evening. In addition, each poster track has a separate presentation session for selected posters. Exact days and times will be available once the program is finalized. 

  • Best ACM SRC Poster Candidates
  • Best Research Poster Candidates
  • Doctoral Showcase
  • Best Visualization Finalist Presentations

Is my poster archived?

Yes, all posters are archived and can be accessed after the conference from the Proceeding & Archives page on the conference website.

I noticed QR codes next to every poster at the conference. Do I have to generate that QR code for my poster?

No, you do not have to generate those QR codes. We generate one QR code for every poster that points to your submitted content. This code is attached to the poster pedestal by the time you arrive at SC. Conference attendees can scan these QR codes and access all of your material easily.

Where do I place the QR codes on my poster?

QR codes can be placed anywhere you want to link to external content on your poster; for example, to point to a video narration of the poster by the author, links to results, movies, graphics, datasets, codes, etc.

Are posters peer-reviewed?

Yes, all Poster submissions (ACM SRC, Research Posters, Doctoral Showcase, and SciViz Showcase) are peer-reviewed by a committee of experts. 

Submissions Closed

Create an account in the online submission system and complete the form. A sample form can be viewed before signing in.

If you have questions about Research Posters submissions, please contact the program committee.

SC attendee

dates & deadlines

Submission, application, and nomination deadlines for all programs and awards, the housing open date, the early registration deadline, and more – all in one place.

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