SC23 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Research Posters Archive

Sophisticated Tools for Performance Analysis and Auto-Tuning of Performance Portable Parallel Programming

Authors: Vivek Kale (Sandia National Laboratories), David Boehme (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Kevin Huck and Shravan Kale (University of Oregon), and Vanessa Surjadidjaja and James Brandt (Sandia National Laboratories)

Abstract: HPC Software must offer tool support for productive programming of scientific applications run on supercomputers using this HPC Software, especially for the sophisticated activities of performance analysis and auto-tuning. Given the emergence of performance portable programming libraries having abstractions for parallelism, new tool support offered by the HPC Software for such sophisticated activities is needed to handle these library abstractions over multiple backends. Addressing this will allow for software sustainability of performance portable libraries. Considering Kokkos, a representative C++-based Performance Portable Library, we focus on (1) a community-driven tool connector subset of the Kokkos Tools offer capability for such sophisticated activities along with (2) an associated tool infrastructure which includes common interfaces and utilities to enable such sophisticated tools. Showcasing this part of Kokkos Tools shows it is capable, lightweight, easy to use, and a viable alternative of such tools supporting specific low-level programming models.

Best Poster Finalist (BP): no

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